Enjoy Tick and Bug-Free Outdoor Fun: Essential Tips for Adventuring Families

Enjoy Tick and Bug-Free Outdoor Fun: Essential Tips for Adventuring Families

Enjoy Tick and Bug-Free Outdoor Fun: Essential Tips for Adventuring Families

Ah, summer. The season for beautiful blooms, delicious barbecues, and, uh... Lyme disease?

As the summer half-term approaches, families eagerly anticipate outdoor adventures, not least because our British Spring-time has been slow to start this year! Now that the eagerly awaited warmer weather is here, so are the emergence of ticks, mosquitoes, and other biting insects, posing a new challenge to outdoor enjoyment. Fear not! With the right precautions, know-how, and armed with incognito®, you can ensure your family stays protected from both ticks and bugs while enjoying outdoor activities. Plus, it’s worth noting that May is Tick Awareness Month across the UK, serving as an important reminder to stay alert and informed about ticks and Lyme disease prevention.

The tick-borne disease is on the rise in the UK, with more cases being reported each year according to UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). Cases grow in summer because ticks thrive in warmer, more humid temperatures. They like shady and moist areas, and hang around tall grasses and short shrubs in woods, parks, and gardens – which we tend to visit more in the warmer months.

When enjoying outdoor activities, these are the key ones to stay aware of:

Hiking: Before hitting the trails, apply incognito® insect repellents, 100% natural and DEET free, clinically proven to give maximum protection from ticks and other biting insects. Stick to well-groomed paths and avoid brushing against vegetation where ticks may lurk.

Water Sports: Whether kayaking or swimming, use incognito® mineral sunblock insect repellent. It’s water-resistant and will provide immediate protection on application. Be sure to re-apply and check for ticks after water activities, focusing on warm, moist areas of the body.

Fishing: Enjoy a peaceful day by the water but be vigilant for ticks in grassy areas nearby. Wear long-sleeved clothing and consider treating your clothing with our flagship insect repellent spray for added protection.

Playing Sport: From football to frisbee, wear lightweight, breathable clothing treated with either our insect repellent spray or, for kids under 12 and those with sensitive skin, use our NEW! Kids insect repellent spray instead. After play, conduct a thorough body check.

Play Parks: Let the kids burn off energy at the playground, but first, apply the kids insect repellent spray or mineral sunblock insect repellent and check for ticks after playtime, paying close attention to hairlines and behind the ears.

Woodlands: Explore nature's wonders but be mindful of ticks in wooded areas. Wear long pants tucked into socks and apply incognito® insect repellent spray, roll-on or lotion to exposed skin.

Parks: Enjoy a picnic or outdoor games but create a bug-free zone with incognito® ambient protection, including our highly rated incense sticks; non-toxic, free from irritants and highly effective against ticks, mosquitoes, and other biting insects. Afterward, conduct a tick check on yourself and your family members.

Did you know the risk of transmission of Lyme disease increases the longer the tick is attached and can be transmitted in less than 24 hours? This is why a thorough check and removing ticks properly with a specialized tick remover is crucial. If you develop a fever, rash, or other symptoms after a tick bite, seek medical attention promptly.


  • Use incognito® insect repellent spray, roll-on, or our mineral sunblock insect repellent, which is clinically tested 100% effective against ticks in the UK & USA.
  • Avoid walking through long grass, or where you know ticks live, particularly in summer.
  • When in the countryside, stick to footpaths and away from long grass and overgrown vegetation. Ticks crawl up.
  • Wear lighter colours to help you spot ticks on clothes, wear long sleeves, and tuck trousers into socks.

This useful mnemonic will help protect you against ticks:

  • T – Think ticks!
  • I – Insect repellent is a necessity when out in foliage. Use a PMD-based repellent such as incognito.
  • C – Check your entire body after outings, including hidden crevices such as behind the ears. Pets need to be checked daily too.
  • K – Keep bare flesh covered where possible, particularly lower abdomen and legs: tuck trousers into socks – your life is more important than fashion!
  • S – Stick to paths and be alert to symptoms of tick-borne illnesses

For more information about ticks, hot spots to be aware of and symptoms to look out for that may indicate Lyme disease, click here.

In conclusion, with these simple tips and trusted repellents, you can ensure bug and tick-free outdoor fun for your family this summer half-term. So, gear up, head out, and make unforgettable memories in the great outdoors – worry-free!



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