Janey Lee Grace goes incognito

Oct 11, 20111ncogn1t0

Janey Lee Grace has made it her life’s passion to source, seek, test and recommend the best natural eco and organic products and services in the market place.  Her name is flagged up 4 or 5 times daily to over 7 million listeners via BBC Radio 2, and she has been voted in the top 10 most influential people in the 2011 Natural Beauty Yearbook.

Watch what Janey Lee has to say about incognito the 100% natural anti-mosquito insect repellent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjVVbKXnaHM

Janey Lee believes there is a ‘natural alternative’ to everything, and through her bestselling books, seminars, and numerous TV and Radio appearances, Janey Lee Grace writes columns for 4 current mainstream magazines recommending natural products, including her own ‘Janey Loves’ section in the hugely successful Natural Health Magazine.  For more about Janey Lee Grace click here.

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