Definitely yes! Up until the last century Deet was the strongest active ingredient in insect repellents, but this is no longer the case as the main active in incognito biocidal products, Citrepel75 (The purest form of PMD) provides 100% efficacy as clinically proven.

Studies in peer reviewed journals such as in Plus one journal: Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Exhibit Decreased Repellency by DEET following Previous Exposure, found that Deet does not work on all types of mosquitoes, and thus is no longer the best mosquito repellent. incognito® uses the purest form of plant based PMD available on the market because it is recommended by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) & The World Health Organisation, as well as DEET, to be used anywhere in the world. These are the only 2 insect repellents approved to be used in high risk mosquito-borne disease areas.

In addition to the PMD used in incognito mosquito repellent we invented a novel process during manufacture to increase the duration of all our insect repellent lines meaning incognito has been found to work effectively on all mosquitoes species tested to date. It is also one the best midge repellents available. This could be because the  PMD we use in incognito insect repellent is derived from Java citronella - formulated over many years with a unique patented process, which in clinical testing demonstrated elongated efficacy compared to other insect repellent against many species of biting and sting insects.. Therefore, although incognito is 100% natural, you cannot get a stronger insect & mosquito repellent.

Due to new Customs and Tax regulations imposed by Brexit, we have suspended sales of our insect repellents from our website to Europe. We are working on solutions to sell mosquito repellent to as many European customers as possible, but in the meantime all of our insect repellent can be purchased at: https://www.biggreensmile.com/brands/incognito.aspx?brand=Incognito and  incognito® insect repellent Spray 100ml is available on Amazon Germany, Italy and Spain.

Yes incognito® is a tropical strength mosquito repellent and the active ingredient, PMD, is recommended by the CDC, NHS & World Health Organisation for use anywhere in the world including mosquito-borne disease areas? There are only 2 insect repellent actives recommended by these organisations for use in mosquito-disease countries: PMD & DEET although the latter mosquito repellent no longer affords 100% efficacy against all mosquitoes; whereas incognito mosquito repellent is clinically tested to achieve this.

incognito mosquito repellent produces one high-strength insect repellent, because insects will bite if you are in a tropical destination or your back garden, using a reduced strength spray may lead to bites that ruin a holiday or whilst gardening. It is strongly advised not to buy insect repellent locally in foreign countries.

Mosquitoes are known to bite more, if you are near water or walking through grassy areas you will need insect or mosquito repellent (incognito mosquito repellent is also an insect repellent.), other biting or stinging insects and ticks.

incognito insect repellent has been formulated to provide 100% efficacy and this is proven in clinical tests. You can’t get higher than 100% efficacy. Unlike most other manufacturers of insect repellents we do not make low strength repellents for Europe & the UK as some people are highly attractive and need a maximum strength wherever they are at risk.

Because we now use Sugarcane Plastic which is the most environmentally friendly plastic that is compatible with our formulation.  So please don't worry if the bottle is soft, or slightly misshapen, the contents inside are not affected!  

incognito® insect repellent lasts for 8 hours, with a complete protection time (100% efficacy in clinical testing) of 5 hours. Although we recommend reapplication whenever necessary, especially when perspiration frequently occurs, and always after swimming or showering.

The both size sprays, roll-on and lotion all contain the same level of active ingredient so it’s down to personal preference which one you use. The lotion is the thickest formulation which may give the most thorough application if applied correctly. The roll-on is next in terms of viscosity, that can be easily rolled onto the skin. The spray is our multi-award winning flagship line, loved by so many all over the world! This emulsion should be applied in short bursts 3cm apart. All these formulations are water based and unlike ever other insect repellent in Europe, contain no alcohol. 

We recommend you use incognito insect repellent spray 5-6 cm away from the skin and in short bursts, about 3 cm apart and then massage the mosquito repellent on to the skin. Apply insect repellent thoroughly to all exposed skin. Reapply when necessary.

A week before travel exfoliate with a loofah, and again the day before or the day of travel. We recommend using our loofah [insert link] with the citronella soap inside.

On holiday, wash using citronella soaps [insert link] and/or our hair body wash [insert link], avoid perfumed cosmetics as these nearly always contain attractants to insects.

Apply insect repellent with a minimum concentration of 20% natural PMD all over the body avoiding the eyes and other sensitive areas.

Use our insect repellent sprays, roll-on, &/or lotion in the morning, along with SPF30 suncream insect repellent throughout the day - all of these are also mosquito repellents. Before heading out in the evening, use any of the incognito insect repellents products. For areas exposed to the sun during day time hours, we recommend using our SPF30 suncream insect repellent instead of any other insect repellent products as regular SPF suncreams and insect repellents interfere with DEET mosquito repellent. It is particularly important to use our SPF suncream insect repellent when visiting countries where mosquitoes carry Zika, dengue, yellow fever and chikungunya as these mosquitoes are aggressive daytime biters. Our SPF30 sunscreen has tested 100% effective for 5 hours & 88% for 7 hours.

Take particular care to apply natural incognito insect over wrists, ankles, and other areas where veins are prominent.


There are both daytime and night time biting mosquitoes i.e.mosquitoes which carry insect-borne diseases such as Dengue, Yellow Fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus and Zika bite during the day, whereas Malaria carrying mosquito vectors bite between dusk and dawn. It is important to consider whereabouts you are going in the world, and what kinds of mosquitoes you are likely to encounter so you can take the necessary precautions e.g. packing Java citronella washing items in addition to incognito mosquito repellent.

We recommend protecting yourself day and evening by applying our mosquito repellent before going outdoors. NB it is imperative to sleep under an impregnated mosquito net if are in a high disease risk zone as no insect repellent will protect you throughout the night, whatever it says on the label!

Ensure you take enough insect, mosquito or midge repellent with you - incognito is classed as all 3 whereas other repellents may only deal with one category e.g. midges - it's better to bring some incognito back than run out. The vast majority of local mosquito repellent sprays, etc are nowhere near as effective as UK manufactured insect repellents.

We recommend reapplying after swimming or bathing.

incognito® can be applied to most clothes and will not change the colour, we do recommend a patch test to ensure no damage to the fabric.

Most incognito® insect repellent lines have a shelf life of at least 2 years and is effective for up to 24 months once opened.

The nhs website recommends using insect repellents when travelling to zika prone areas.

It is important to take extra precautions when travelling whilst pregnant and seek medical advice.

We have not done any testing on pregnant women because we believe it is unethical to do so. We recommend doing a patch test as skin can get highly sensitive during pregnancy. Discontinue use and seek medical advice if a skin reaction occurs.

incognito® spray, roll-on, lotion and suncream can be used on children aged 6 months and over. These lines are all 100% natural* (*suncream SPF30 formulation 100ml edition) and certified by the Soil Association and are vegan approved.

As children’s skin is highly sensitive, please ensure to do a patch test on a small area of skin like the back of the wrist before making a full application. If any rash or irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately and seek medical attention if concerned.

incognito® spray can also be applied to clothes (do patch test on inside seam to ensure no discolouration occurs), cot, prams, and other surrounding areas to complement or replace topical application.

The Zap-ease bite relief is a medical device and not suitable for children under 2 years old. If you have concerns about using our product on you/your child or you/your child suffers from health issues, allergies or anything else that may be relevant please consult with your GP or Health Practitioner prior to use.

We know that many people use incognito® products on pets: horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, llamas, etc. to ward off mosquitoes, bugs and ticks. However, our products are designed for use on humans not pets. We have not done testing on pets and we do not have certification for this classification.

Insect repellents will wear off, you may not have applied enough –&/or you may even have forgotten to apply/reapply it in the first place! If you are bitten, to ease the swelling and itching use zap ease. Zap the bite 5 times.

Do not scratch the bite. Remember to apply insect repellent thoroughly to prevent this re-occurring! We also recommend wearing long sleeved/legged light coloured clothing (but remember, mosquitoes can and will bite through clothing, so this alone is not enough).

Blood is a requirement for their egg reproduction. They can only synthesize a particular protein from human blood. This is why only female mozzies bite us.

We recommend 2 room refreshers in a 10m x 10m size room, this will vary depending on the draft.

We also recommend spraying doorways using the incognito® spray.

incognito® have specially formulated a suncream and insect repellent, as some suncreams will counteract with insect repellents and visa versa.

Yes, we trade fairly with everyone. We work closely with our suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers to develop strong and long lasting relationships. We visit the sites of those we work with regularly and this helps us to ensure that the working conditions of all we work with are good and fair. We strictly prohibit exploitation or harassment of any kind.

Not only is it recyclable, but it's opacity prevents UV light from breaking down the potent molecules inside, thus extending the life of the repellent. Our main incognito® lines (where possible) are packaged in renewable source sugarcane plastic which captures more Co2 in it’s production that it emits. It’s the best packaging currently available (in our humble opinion).

If a mosquito net is not impregnated with a contact insecticide, mosquitoes can land on it and penetrate it with their proboscis. In areas with high risk of malaria (tropical Africa, the Amazon, parts of south-east Asia) this is even more of a risk. The WHO recommends the use of a long lasting impregnated mosquito net for those areas. The contact insecticide used on our mosquito nets kills flies and other pests, but is harmless to humans. This means the net provides extra safety during a good nights sleep.

Our mosquito nets are impregnated with long lasting Durallin technology that applies the insecticide to the material of nets. Durallin can be used without risks for humans but it's deadly for insects and other arthropods. The technology makes use of minimum impregnation. Mosquito nets impregnated with Durallin contain minimum quantities of Solvento. In this respect, Durallin combines effectiveness and durability. Durallin Impregnated mosquito nets remain effective for 3 years (indoors) to 1 year (outdoors) the impregnation can withstand at least 20 washes (max 30°C Chlorine free detergent). Store the net in cover in order to ensure maximum effectiveness

Mosquitoes prefer warm weather, female mosquitoes lay eggs up to 100 -400 at a time near water. Mosquitoes like to congregate near stagnant water so be aware and be vigilant when in close proximity to stagnant water.

As with any liquid products, if you take them on a plane, it's recommended to place them in a sealed container or sealed bag incase the pressure causes them to leak.  With incognito® it happens rarely but it can happen, so better to be safe than sorry!

Yes, our suncream does but it is not at the nano size, therefore it’s not subject to the ban, which is more geared to food products anyway.

If you have any questions that aren't answered in our FAQ, please ask!