Our Story

incognito® was born after both of the co-founders experienced first hand the downsides of using synthetic insect repellents. Howard contracted malaria then dengue within a year of each other (in Thailand and India) while using Deet and taking anti-malarial medication.

Meanwhile Patricia was on a trip to South America. She found herself unwilling to use the chemical Deet repellent because there were no water treatment facilities in the middle of the Amazon where she was staying and it was so incredibly beautiful there it felt wrong for her to use such a toxic substance. But the natural repellent she took did not work well.

Patricia and Howard then co-founded incognito®; with a mission to create a natural insect repellent that was really effective, with the ethos of not harming the wearer or the environment.

incognito® acts as a camouflage, making you invisible to mosquitoes.

Our hero incognito® insect repellent spray is used all around the world, and in clinical tests is 100% effective against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes*. incognito spray® uses the strongest and purest form of PMD, botanical PMD.

Time away is one of our biggest opportunities to re-bond and enjoy our time together as family and with friends. Climate change is resulting in warmer weather, which results in higher insect populations. Apart from causing serious health issues, insect bites can ruin holidays due to discomfort, swelling, itching, and other adverse reactions. incognito® offers an environmentally friendly and sutainable way to protect the whole family from insect bites and preventable insect borne diseases.

We also work tirelessly to protect the environment for our children, investing, keeping packaging to a minimum and using renewable source sugar cane for our bottles and tubes.

Gap Finders - Howard Carter from Incognito BBC Radio 4

For more information, listen to Howard Carter explain the incognito story on Radio 4 You and Yours, Gap Finders.