insect repellent - home or away? - Less Mosquito

insect repellent - home or away?

Dec 04, 2020Shopify API


"I forgot to bring insect repellent with me and I got eaten alive" .... sound familiar? It certainly does to us. Not only have we done this personally (yes it's true - we're human too!) but we have heard it over and over (and over!) again from customers and returning travellers. 

It feels to us that hope is beginning to return and the whispers of "I think I might book a trip" are starting to get louder. Whatever your personal preferences are for traveling overseas, or not, we respect the choice of each individual. 

We're keen supporters and followers of initiatives such as lettusgrow who are 'building the farms of the future'. We noticed on a recent mail out from them, an encouragement to buy local food to support local businesses on what has been for many of us, been the most challenging business year of our lives.

This really resonated with us. So, if you are one of the people that doesn't usually plan ahead and get insect repellent that you know you are going to need when travelling overseas (or staying close to home!), please consider this year, buy it in advance before you go on your trip. Why take the chance with your health and wellbeing by neglecting to pack something so essential?

The number of times that we have heard "I forgot to bring some with me so I bought local 'stuff' and it didn't work at all!!". Please remember that standards vary from country to country and what is put on the shelves in different countries &/or regions will be held to very different regulatory standards. 

We firmly believe that incognito® products are of the the highest standards possible - we use the purest natural form of natural PMD available in the world and this does not compromise one bit on efficacy because we have conducted all the necessary testing to prove that our unique formulation provides 100% efficacy for a period of time (varies depending on the product so always check the individual product label for full information).

So, if you are one of those that are whispering hopefully "I'm getting away" please think about protecting yourself and your loved ones with incognito®. We have a range of gorgeous products all designed in some way to be multipurpose and kind to your skin. So even if you're not getting away, why not treat yourself to our gorgeous loofah or recently back in stock moisturiser and pretend you're away?!?  Now more than ever before, it makes a huge difference to shop local. 

Thank you for all of your support and if you are lucky enough to be getting away now or in the near future, we hope you have a wonderful, safe, loving and joy-filled time.


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