The incognito Blog

Mar 09, 2012
There is a perception amongst many people that because a product is natural it is not as effective as it’s chemical cousins.  This is especially prevalent in chemistry and medicine, where,  ironically, some of the greatest advancements in drugs e.g. penicillin and interferon have come directly from natural sources e.g. mould & Foxglove (Digitalis) Indeed, … Continue reading "NATURE KNOWS BEST"
Feb 22, 2012
Interns wanted for the summer! Great training for anyone looking to gain office and sales experience. Some of the things you will learn: calling up current stockists, stock counts, sales figures, PR activities, in-store demos, helping prepare for show including the Olympics and much much more. Submit your CV to
Feb 14, 2012
Brides and grooms-to-be are being urged to ‘think mosquito’ when planning their honeymoon. Mosquito expert Howard Carter said many couples forget to think about protecting themselves against malaria and other tropical diseases amid the excitement and stress of wedding and honeymoon planning. Research by incognito shows that more than half of people on their honeymoon … Continue reading "Honeymooners prepare!"
Jan 27, 2012
It was with much excitement and delight that Cindy, our Office CoOrdinator, accepted the ‘People & Environment Business Achievement Award 2012’ for the Supply Chain Champion category on behalf of Howard Carter and the incognito team. The PEA Awards ceremony was held last night at the prestigious ‘The Orangery’ at Kensington Palace. Sue Jueno of … Continue reading "People & Environment Business Achievement Award 2012"
Jan 17, 2012
Howard Carter, Founder & CEO of incognito was recently interviewed by Knowledge Peers UK about ‘Successfully distributing your products Abroad’. In the video Howard talks about the benefits of using government services like UKTI’s Overseas Market Introduction Service to gain contacts and to take your operations abroad – (see the tab ‘incognito in the US’ on … Continue reading "an interview with Knowledge Peers"
Dec 19, 2011
Travelling abroad can be a brilliant experience and yet, we’ve all heard the stories; diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps and possibly even hospitalization with dehydration!  And why?…….drinking  water!!! One of the most fundamental requirements of the human body is to drink water.  But is it safe?  Drinking water abroad in most 3rd world countries and even … Continue reading "How do you take your water?"